Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This App Rocks! (Well, if it existed)

I hate grocery shopping. I hate shopping at Target, and Wal-mart, and the mall too. Mostly, that has to do with shopping with children, who are distracting and impatient, but there is also the problem of forgetting the major thing I went to the store for to begin with. Oh, I write it down. Usually, I lose the list somewhere between the house and the store. Sometimes I put in in my phone as a note, but not usually because it requires too much tiny button pressing.

What would be ideal for me would be a recorder and product nudger. Yes, my killer iphone app would be something I could voice input the items I need to buy, then while shopping, I would be prompted in each aisle what I need to get.

I can picture it clearly, "Danielle, you passed the mayo." Or even better, "There are 100% cotton capris 6 ft to your left." How cool would that be? I would never have to go home without the zuccinni or bathroom cups again.


Julie M. Davis June 8, 2009 at 6:43 PM  

You will have to do the hunting of the objects within the store but Jott allows you to create voice input lists that you can then either listen to later or pull up and read while at the store. It sounds like your vision has taken it even further but according to a discussion we are having in Kemp's Rhetoric of Personal Agency class could be possible given the use of RFID technology.

Rich June 10, 2009 at 7:09 AM  

I like ShopShop. Bar tagging (especially 2d) is at our doorstep. That will happen, maybe even by Christmas.

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