Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Giant steps for mobileshy Danielle today! Two days ago, I discovered a mobile site builder similar to winksite, but with way more features. I can do what I want with text, add media, gadgets and more. I spent the day playing with it to make sure it'll suit my purposes, then I bit the bullet and started building it.

One reason I decided to go with this service is that there is a feature to edit from your phone. I haven't tried it yet, but now that I'm settled as to what content I want to go where, that's my next step! Fun toys!

I don't want the tutors (or anyone who uses it) to have to type a long address into their phones, free though it would have been, so I registered as well. Mobisitegalore, which is the site I found, will host it free for 60 days, during which time I can work out getting it hosted through the college if the students like it well enough to use it.

With this site, it's easy to slap a visit counter on there so I can see if it's actually getting used or not.

There are placeholders on there for APA and Chicago style as well as MLA and if time allows I'll populate those too, but for now the focus is on MLA. I do only have ONE WEEK! It feels good to have a solution I'm okay with though.


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