Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Analysis of Project:

Project Purpose

The purpose of my project changed drastically over the course of the term. The project was conceived as a text generator to remind students and staff about campus events, and while I still think the idea has merit and could be very useful on my campus, this wasn’t the right time to do it. Among the problems with the college’s new website were issues with students’ text plans and the question of whether or not the application would just become another piece of spam that students delete without reading.

The decision to repurpose my class project came out of a focus group with students who were working on campus this summer. The group consisted of both students who work for me as tutors in our Learning Center and students working in other offices on campus. The tutors in the group were very vocal about me creating something for them specifically, either something that would give them updates or be a resource of some kind.

After probing further into what kind of resource would be most useful to them, we decided I should create something that could help the writing tutors learn the new edition of the MLA Handbook and possibly Chicago Style as well. That kind of content, we thought, would lend itself well to a mobile phone and could be useful to tutors who are tutoring away from the Learning Center as well.

From that decision point, the purpose solidified into me creating a website viewable on a mobile phone that would serve as a reference for writing tutors in MLA and Chicago styles. As of its latest iteration, fulfills this purpose.

Concept Success and Demonstration of Skill Set

There are two ways one could judge the success of this project, the first being the success of the site itself and the second being how well the designer demonstrates success with the course objectives.

The Alvernia Style Tutor, which I’ve named my site, is simple in design and appears to be viewable on multiple mobile phones. The site generator I used,, automatically tests the sites created on it with mobi.ready[1], a free test that analyzes how well the mobile site uses best practices for designing for mobile devices. My published site received a 5 out of 5 mobile readiness score by mobi.ready upon publication.

It has been tested on the Samsung Instinct on the Sprint network and on an iPhone on the AT&T 3G network. On these two devices, the site loads quickly and the links and videos work fine. It is easy to navigate, with minimal images and design to make viewing on a mobile phone easier. Although the site is too new and is yet unknown to the tutors who will be using it, the limited usability testing I’ve done shows that the site should work well for its purpose.

In terms of my own development as a student of reading and writing for mobile devices, I’m pleased with the outcome. At the start of the summer term, I owned a Palm Treo, which I never used to access the web because it was too frustrating to be of any use to me. There was no way I was going to attempt building a site viewable on that phone. I upgraded to the Instinct because I wanted something similar to an iPhone without switching to AT&T. All I knew in June was that one was supposed to be able to develop applications for the Instinct, but that they weren’t as cool as the ones designed for the iPhone. I was willing, but fearful.

Over the course of the project, I overcame a few hurdles that probably seem tiny to others, but are huge for me. I did a bit of reading about text aggregators and coding for mobile sites, all of which went over my head. However, a product of that reading was the ability to create a Wordpress site with pages. I had wanted to play in Wordpress before but couldn’t bring myself to break away from Blogger. Wordpress, however, is easier to convert to mobile format (or so I read), so I initially started building my project in there. Being able to scrap the work I had done in there was difficult, but it wasn’t the right fit for the style guide in my head.

After abandoning Wordpress, I attempted to use Winksite, a mobile website builder. That also didn’t meet my needs, because it was too limited and would not allow me to format text at all. Since a large part of the problem with students using MLA style is formatting, there was no way I could make it work for my project.

Throughout the process, foremost in my mind was my users. I needed the site to load fast and be easy to navigate. That meant no side scrolling. Because of my limited (i.e. none) knowledge of coding, I finally decided on using MobiSiteGalore, a different mobile website builder with a lot more functions and flexibility.

What I’ve learned is that perhaps more than anything, flexibility is necessary when composing for a mobile device, especially when it comes to the designer of the site. I needed to be able to adapt my project to fit the needs of the users and the technology I needed to use in order to do that. It was also necessary to pare down all the fluff and focus on what was necessary for the user with a small screen and a busy lifestyle. Doing so was a challenge at times, but rewarding in the end.


Using mobiSiteGalore made it relatively simple to construct this site. Users are given limited options for design, which could be seen as a bonus or a drawback. Using predesigned templates that allow minimal customization ensures that the resulting code will be consistent and will work well for mobile devices. The templates force the user to keep the mobile site simple enough to be viewed well on the small screens of phones, while still allowing for images and videos.

The site offers tutorials for a quick start at building a mobile site, but really they aren’t even necessary. Building a mobile site there is as simple as setting up a blog on Blogger. It is just a matter of creating an account, naming the mobile site, and adding pages. Users have a choice to build and host their sites on mobiSiteGalore using a free domain name like or to bring their own domain name and host it there or elsewhere. I did not want to use the free domain name because it seemed too unprofessional for something I would direct my tutors to, so I purchased a domain name myself and took advantage of the 60 day free hosting option with mobiSiteGalore.

The user has control over colors, fonts, and text formatting. There are a number of what mobiSite calls “Goodies” as well: E-commerce tools, analytics, YouTube and other audio/ video uploaders, Click-to-Call, and maps. I elected to use the YouTube goodie to add in some video tutorials I created on MLA style earlier on. I also used the Click-to-Call goodie to allow users to dial directly to the Learning Center if they need additional assistance.

Once the site is created, users can add subpages easily by checking off a box to indicate it will be a subpage and choosing which page it should be under. MobiSite automatically placed a link to the subpage on the main page it is under. This was only helpful half the time, because the other half of the time the links didn’t work and it was necessary to relink them anyway. That was an annoyance, but as it only took two clicks to fix, it was minor.

Using the site manager, pages can be edited and previewed before pages are made final. It is also easy to rearrange main pages. Subpages, however, which can appear through links on any other page, can not be easily moved or grouped on the site manager page, making it somewhat difficult to keep track of them all unless they are created in a specific order. Therefore, anyone who opts to use mobiSiteGalore should thoroughly plan out all subpages and create them in groups so pages can be easily located on what becomes a very long list!

Publishing the pages was also simple. As a novice, I was leary of figuring out how to transfer my domain name from the purchase site to my mobi site, but all that really took was transcribing two name site numbers. I didn’t have to deal with any ftp protocol because all creating and editing was done right through mobiSite. Publishing consisted of clicking the “Publish” button and waiting for the site to be scanned for mobile compliant code.

A few times, the site scored a 4 out of 5, and I was able to look through the report to figure out what needed to change. The report directs the user to the exact location of the issue by giving the code line, and even though I don’t know code, I was able to figure out where my errors were by seeing what text the code was surrounding.

One of the more useful parts of the report, show on the screen shots below, is the Visualization, which lets the user see what the site will like look on a variety of phones.


Building this site strictly for a mobile device presented a few limitations. Obviously, the builder I used was limited in itself. I wasn’t completely free to choose a design or have anything interactive on the site. Forms are available, but the forms are limited to filling out information and sending it to an email address. I am unable to create a citation builder/checker; however, it might be possible if I knew xhtml because the site does give you access to the code. It would also be nice to be able to include a quiz or activities the tutors could do to practice.

Another limitation is the content on the screen size. When I view the site on a PC, it looks boring, but the citation “recipes” are clear and easy to see. When I view the site on my phone, it looks fine, but I’m concerned that someone unfamiliar with citations will find it difficult to follow the recipes when they are all scrunched together on a mobile screen. If I were not pressed for space on the mobile screen, I would include more visual explanations of what goes where in a citation and why. I refrained from including many images because I was concerned about load time and usage charges for users.

Sustaining and Maintaining the Project

Sustaining the mobile style tutor will be a matter of keeping it updated when new changes occur to each of the three styles it covers. Since APA and MLA have just released new editions this year, there shouldn’t be any major changes for a while. Once I am able to learn the new version of APA and get the content posted, it should be relatively stable. The Chicago style portion of the site can already use some added content, but as I’m just learning this style at the same time I’m building the site, that content will have to come as I learn it.

The larger issue is where the site will be hosted. I’ve put in a request to have it hosted at Alvernia, but have not received an answer yet. As of this moment, it is being hosted for free with mobiSiteGalore for sixty days. If I am not allowed to host it at Alvernia, and I don’t know why I wouldn’t be, I’ll have to decide if I want to foot the bill to host it myself or charge it to the Learning Center somehow.


Once the tutors return to campus in a few weeks, I can begin some usability testing with actual users. Depending on what they say about the ease of use, the usefulness of the content, and if they would be likely to use it, I’ll decide how much more effort I want to invest in it. Preliminary feedback will also determine what further assessment I’ll need to do. I’ve already decided I want to learn to code, so it might be more beneficial to create a new site that works well for both pc users and mobile device users.


The Alvernia Style Tutor is a far cry from what I’d envisioned creating at the start of the term. It is all pull, when the original application I wanted to build was a lot more push. My idea was to use mobile devices to reach out to people to get them to engage in face to face activity. Instead, I ended up creating a site that pulls them further away from face to face into their devices. Why ask a tutor when the information is available with no human interaction through the phone?
While it might be useful, I’m not sure what it says about learning and the message I try to send about academic support services on campus. Perhaps that is why I made sure to include a way to easily contact a human in the Learning Center through the mobile site.

Reservations aside, I’m pleased with the outcome of the project. While stretching my skills and seeking out new possibilities, I’ve created something that works and should be useful. Perhaps most exhilarating is the list of questions that I’ve generated for myself as a result of the process. What do users expect from a mobile site; what attributes are most important to them? What kinds of information are users most likely to want to access? And the more theoretical what does the move toward mobile devices as portals to important information mean for humanity?


Tuesday, August 4, 2009

8/3 Update

It's time to stop building and start writing.

I'm pretty happy with what I've got so far. I'd say it's nowhere near finished, but it can continue being tweeked all semester with the help of some tutors who know APA much better than I do. MLA is fairly decent, although the videos need to be redone, and Chicago is good enough for now, considering the college has no supplemental help for Chicago at all at the moment.

I could really go for a juicy burger and tall strawberry milkshake after the past few days of intense mobi-building.


Monday, August 3, 2009

Project Update 8/2

One of the things I was excited about when choosing Mobisitegalore to build my mobile site was the fact that it allowed you to build and edit your site from your phone. I didn't have a chance to try it until last night, when I was sucked away to a family dinner I didn't want to attend. I thought I could tuck myself away into a corner and do some editing.

I was disappointed to realized that the build and edit functions are limited when you are doing it from your phone. If you know xhtml, you'll be golden, but if you're like me, not so much. The first snafu was the fact that you can't create subpages, only main pages that appear from your homepage. You can rearrange pages, but you can't make a main page become a subpage. Also, you can edit text, but it is within html tags. A big warning appears telling you not to touch the tags unless you know what you are doing. This is obviously there for people like me, who tend to think they can figure out the code and screw around with it to adjust things.

Since I was fairly comfortable editing the text within the tags, but not comfortable enough to make new text withing NEW tags, there wasn't much I could do from my phone. I had to participate in the family gathering.

The edit from your phone option is useful if you know code, and I can envision someone using it to make some quick updates that are time sensitive. However, for the novice, it's not as useful; nor does it seem to be useful for making large changes.


Friday, July 31, 2009

Project Update 7/31

I've moved on to Chicago Style today. I'm focusing on content and will get back to working with buidling the mobi pages later tonight.

Starting to get pretty psyched about this!

I was feeling a bit intimidated by the other projects in the class, but I came to the realization this morning as I clicked through my site (what's there so far), that I'm pretty darn proud of myself. I don't know how to code or do snazzy GPS things, but my familiarity with the terminology and my comfort level in general have improved greatly already. The fact that I'll actually have a site to show at the end of next week is an accomplishment for me, and I'm cool with that for now. I'm building something that the students in my office say is pretty cool and that they'd use, and since that was my goal, I think I can consider it a success.

I can learn coding for the NEXT project.


Thursday, July 30, 2009

Project Update 7/30

I spent about 6 hours today uploading content to the pages on my mobile site. Most of MLA is finished, although I do need to do some major editing.

I also realized none of my links were working, so I had to go back and reset them all. That was a pita.

The MobiSiteGalore mobile website maker is fairly easy to use, once you get used to it. It can be tricky doing text formatting, because it tends to grab too many things at once - very touchy. The paste function is also a bit stroke heavy. The biggest irritation is editing on such a small screen. Even though I'm using my PC to edit and load content, on the screen it shows up within the screen of small flip phone. Still, I'm plugging along.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Giant steps for mobileshy Danielle today! Two days ago, I discovered a mobile site builder similar to winksite, but with way more features. I can do what I want with text, add media, gadgets and more. I spent the day playing with it to make sure it'll suit my purposes, then I bit the bullet and started building it.

One reason I decided to go with this service is that there is a feature to edit from your phone. I haven't tried it yet, but now that I'm settled as to what content I want to go where, that's my next step! Fun toys!

I don't want the tutors (or anyone who uses it) to have to type a long address into their phones, free though it would have been, so I registered as well. Mobisitegalore, which is the site I found, will host it free for 60 days, during which time I can work out getting it hosted through the college if the students like it well enough to use it.

With this site, it's easy to slap a visit counter on there so I can see if it's actually getting used or not.

There are placeholders on there for APA and Chicago style as well as MLA and if time allows I'll populate those too, but for now the focus is on MLA. I do only have ONE WEEK! It feels good to have a solution I'm okay with though.


Web on Your Cell

I was doing some research online from my hospital bed/sofa, and came across this: WebonYourCell looks like a great place to bookmark. It's a site index of mobile sites that work well on your phone.


Monday, July 27, 2009

Project Update

I spent the day - home sick with strep - watching Dreamweaver tutorials online. Still feeling rather ehh about this project. At this point, I'd hoped to be well along into production, not still wishy washy about what I'm even doing.

At the start of the term, I'd mentioned a blood sugar tracker, and while I'd like that, it already exists. The idea for text prompts of on campus activities was excellent, I thought, but the timing is off. The launch of a new website has IT too busy to bother much with little me and my project, and student feedback about text messaging costs made me reconsider how used it really would be. I thought I'd settled on a tutor resource site, starting with style guides and building up to include other things as the site got used more and more. And for right now, that's still where I think I sit. It's just a matter now of learning how to do it.

I've been out of commission since Thursday, and I'm still not coherent enough to get much out of these tutorials. Sticking with the iTutor (yes, I've named it- thought that probably exists too) idea at least does not require much searching for content, just building it. The problem is that I'm completely bored with the idea. There's nothing exciting about it at all for me, and that is probably why I'm dragging my feet so much.

I have in my head that whatever I create for this project has to be something useful, something people will actually use. I'm not sure I could get the tutors that psyched about this.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Production Has Begun

I've bitten the bullet and have begun building a mobile website for citation styles using winksite. Building the site is fairly straightforward, and not that I've gone through some testing of colors and backgrounds and such, I'm ready to plow ahead and get the content in there.

Actually, what I like about this service so far is how simple it is. The mobile site I create will be text only, which will be easy to access on a variety of mobile phones of varying screen sizes. One thing I'm dealing with is how to show what an actual citation looks like with the proper indentations. I'm still figuring out if there is a way to format text with winksite.

So far, no big snafus...but we shall see.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Girl Tweets, People Leave Mean Nasty Comments

What is most interesting to me about this is the comments people left under the argument. Feelings about Twitter are definitely divided. I'm intrigued by the way people judge it based on vague references to "society," but don't really delve into just what it really says about real time connectivity and how it is changing the way we communicate so rapidly. I want to think about this more, when I'm not so tired.

During robbery of HSBC Bank, customer chronicles events via TwitterRead more:


Thursday, July 9, 2009

Project Anonymity. TechReal vs. RealReal

I watched this video yesterday afternoon while preparing for last night's 5376 class. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since.

The idea that we seek connection with strangers through blogs, forums, twitter is at once obvious and profound. We are alone, yet not. We reach out, but only from behind a computer screen. At times, we are more connected to the person we communicate with via our mobile phone's SMS than the people who live in our house, share space in our classroom, and walk beside us shoulder to shoulder.

Connecting this way allows us to share our true selves without percieved risk. Our devices divulge and protect us. We can be accepted for who we are without showing who we are in real time, face to face.

The connections we make anonymously become more real to us than the connections we make otherwise. This video gives me chills; it's scary and thrilling and confounding. What is it about Being online, faceless and true, that is so much easier than Being with the people we can see and touch? I'm certain there is a level of emotional safety in the distance of wires. And yet, when techreal becomes more real than realreal, can we not be wounded just the same by the faceless people we connect with through those wires?


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Interview Transcript

My colleagues in the Student Success suite have been listening to me think aloud about this mobile device app for weeks now. Last week, I held an impromtu focus group with some student workers, a graduate assistant, and two of the other directors. What started out as a "holy smokes I need to make some real decisions on this" session, turned into a very useful idea generation (and iteration) experience.

The curious questions asked by the Career Services director who was just trying to understand what my purpose was actually made me realize the scope of my intended project was too large for my skillset and time limits. She was asking if the app would be just for one department or the whole school and who I'd have to involve to make it happen on a daily basis. She also brought up some great points about how full our online calendar actually gets -- too much info to send in one text per day.

More than one text per day could be annoying and use up valuable text alottments, according to the students that were there. Not everyone has unlimited plans, and even if they would subscribe to a service, they wouldn't want it to be overwhelming. One of the students wasn't interested at all: Why can't you just email it?

A discussion of what would be involved in an activity prompter ensued, and one of the tutors who works for me asked why I didn't just keep it "in house" with the tutors only for starters. She suggested building something just for the tutors to subscribe to or use - something useful for us that we could control. The general consensus seemed to be that that was the most sane thing to do, in this iteration anyhow.

One thing that came up was avoiding the idea of texting anything at all. The students were not consistent in their buy-in. A few thought it was fabulous and would love it; others either didn't want to use the text messages they were alotted or thought it would be one more thing to keep after.

The tutors that were there suggested creating a site for them to use as a resource, something handy for when they are tutoring or that they might recommend to tutees. Not surprisingly, we do a lot of writing tutoring, and they glommed onto the idea of mobile style guides. That made me shudder a bit, since I'm already creating an online tutorial for the changes in MLA, but if that's what they want and will use it, I can do that for them.

I did also have a chat this morning with one of my former students who is also a tutor - an accounting tutor. She knew about my project before we started chatting, and I asked her if I could run some ideas by her to clarify some points of contention I was having. The transcript is as follows:

sweetpeaflwr3: hello! its Justine
daniellesaad: Hooray!
daniellesaad: Ok, so...
daniellesaad: As we were talking about before, I have to develop an application that can be accessed on a mobile device - like a phone, or through text
daniellesaad: Do you think students would be receptive to something that would notify them about events on campus?
sweetpeaflwr3: that would probably be a good target market, and it would maybe get more people to come to the events
daniellesaad: if you got a text that said: Comedian in 10 minutes BH 107 - do you think you'd be more likely to go?
sweetpeaflwr3: yeah I think so
sweetpeaflwr3: since students are very attached to their phones, this is better than having them reading it off a calendar
daniellesaad: Does anyone that you know of even use that calendar online?
sweetpeaflwr3: I do, but I haven't talked with any other students about using it or about them using it.
sweetpeaflwr3: but since student activities started printing out the big calendar to put in our dorm rooms, I know a bunch of people that use that
daniellesaad: do you guys each get one of those?
sweetpeaflwr3: yes, they pass one out to every room and there are extras to pick up in the lobbys
daniellesaad: oh cool
daniellesaad: do you think most students have unlimited text plans?
sweetpeaflwr3: yeah most of most people do
sweetpeaflwr3: but there are the random few like me, that only have a limited amount per month
daniellesaad: yeah but maybe you are not so random
daniellesaad: I only just switched to unlimited after being billed for all the texts ppl send me!
sweetpeaflwr3: true
sweetpeaflwr3: maybe about 1/2 of students have unlimited...just a rough estimate
daniellesaad: earler we were chatting about limiting this to tutors -
daniellesaad: what would be useful specifically for them do you t hink?
sweetpeaflwr3: maybe if you need to get in contact with them quickly, instead of sending them an email, you can send them a text
sweetpeaflwr3: or just like you have the email alerts for when they have appointments, you can have texts with those messages
daniellesaad: ahhh right
sweetpeaflwr3: I guess it depends on how often they check their emails and if they would prefer texts instead
daniellesaad: right...and if they check alvernia emails
sweetpeaflwr3: yeah because alot of students dont
daniellesaad: If I would decide to abandon the whole text idea, and just do a mobile website, what do you think they could use it for?
sweetpeaflwr3: what is a mobile website?
daniellesaad: one that is specifically formatted to be viewed easily on a phone
daniellesaad: could you imagine that being a resource for anything?
sweetpeaflwr3: oh, i think thats a good idea and i'm sure students would use that. As long as they had internet access on their phone
sweetpeaflwr3: It could maybe be used to check the tutor schedule
sweetpeaflwr3: Or to get in contact with you
daniellesaad: yeah...right...
sweetpeaflwr3: or maybe if one writing tutor needs to change his hours, they can ask if another writing tutor would mind covering their hours
daniellesaad: or to cheat on tests
daniellesaad: lol
sweetpeaflwr3: haha i'd hope not
sweetpeaflwr3: would you use the mobile website for the whole campus or just tutors?
daniellesaad: it coudl go either way
daniellesaad: I could do one specific for tutors
daniellesaad: or I could do one with resources for the campus
daniellesaad: maybe style guides, math tips, stuff liek that?
sweetpeaflwr3: oh yeah, thats a good idea!
daniellesaad: the second one?
sweetpeaflwr3: the style guides
daniellesaad: you think students, if they have net on their phones, might go to that before opening the book?
sweetpeaflwr3: most likely
sweetpeaflwr3: it would be alot more quicker and their phone is already with them
daniellesaad: thats true
daniellesaad: maybe that's the best idea
daniellesaad: you guys (tutors) already complain when I make you do webCT stuff and all...I can imagine groaning if I said "add this site to the mix"
daniellesaad: like one more thing to check (groan)
sweetpeaflwr3: haha
sweetpeaflwr3: I do think its a good idea though
daniellesaad: yes, if it could be painless for tutors...automatic and not something they'd have to keep up with
sweetpeaflwr3: well it would be a resource for them, they wouldn't be required to check it right?
sweetpeaflwr3: yeah..then they might not complain
daniellesaad: my one concern would be interfacing with tutortrac for appointment reminders. that could be hell
sweetpeaflwr3: yeah..
daniellesaad: the style guide/resource idea is going to be the most useful to most ppl I think
sweetpeaflwr3: you could also make the style guides, etc available to the whole campus
sweetpeaflwr3: I'm sure people would use it
daniellesaad: fabulous. I'm going with that then.
daniellesaad: Thanks! You rock!
sweetpeaflwr3: awesome!

After the coversation I had with my suitmates last week, and the one I had with Justine online today, I think I'm going to change my focus entirely!


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Digital Natives and Immigrants Visit NYC

I spent the past three days in NYC with my two children and 17-yr-old niece. We couldn't have survived it without the Samsung Instinct and its lifesaving internet capability.

What time is the last ferry? Check the web on the corner of 45th.
What is the wait time for the Empire State Observatory before we walk the ten blocks to get there? Touch screen, web icon, Google.
Best pizza in Times Square? NYC mobile app. (It's John's Pizzeria on 44th, btw.)

We texted our way across the city. When we couldn't find the Build-a-Bear workshop, the 5 yr-old aptly reminded me I could use the navigation app for a walking route.

When we got separated 57,000 times in Chinatown's shady fake purse back rooms and alleys, we used the mobile devices to meet up again.

And then, on the subway back to the hotel, we actually had a conversation about what we'd been doing with these phones. When I came to NYC when I was 17, I didn't have a cell phone. Cell phones were not pocket sized back then, and I certainly wasn't wealthy enough to afford one, giant size or not. The niece, however, has had a cell phone since she was 13. She has always had a computer. And she cannot fathom the Commodore 64 I got for Christmas when I was a teenager.

She relies on her phone for celebrity updates and feels naked without it. She has never had a walkman. She has never had to call the movie theater to hear the movie listings by recording (and then listen all over again when she missed what the voice said.) For her, navigating NYC by phone was second nature, whereas I had to be reminded at every turn: look it up on your phone. And she is very, very impatient with slow loading and poorly designed sites.

She is, to a great extent, the audience for the mobile app I want to create. One academic year behind the students who will be using the activity reminder service I'm envisioning, she has the same digital profile. Ultra-comfortable with texting, and with texting services that send updates, she expects her phone to be a portal to knowing what's going on in the world. (Periodically, she would update me on Robert Pattinson's personal live as her text updates flooded in.)

So, all in all, I'm pretty confident that I've chosen the right subject for my app. I think they'll use it and appreciate it. It's almost as if actually going onto the internet is too old school. If you can't get it from your phone, it's too much work.


Sunday, July 5, 2009

All I Need to Know to Create a Mobile App I Learned in Kindergarden

Mitchel Resnick writes: "Underlying traditional kindergarten activities is a spiraling learning process in which children imagine what they want to do, create a project based on their ideas (using blocks, finger paint, or other materials), play with their creations, share their ideas and creations with others, and reflect on their experiences -- all of which leads them to imagine new ideas and new projects."

What's missing from education is play - and the creative and critical thinking that come out of it. Imagination is key, and those who dare to use theirs are the ones who've changed the way we communicate with each other across boundaries of time and place. And yet, we continue to favor an educational approach that keeps imagination and play on the sidelines while focusing on the right answer.

I consider myself one of the players. Most projects I delve into are head first, problem solve throughout type things. I grab the ball of play doh and start squishing, adjusting, and squishing until I like what I come up with. However, for class projects, I always find myself squelching this side of myself in favor of the finished product I think will be the right answer. I realized reading Resnick's article that this mindset is exactly what is holding me back from this mobile application/website.

I'm hesitant to play, because I'm uncertain about my abilities with the technology. I've done a lot of web searching and "reading up," but I haven't just jumped in. When I think about my most successful projects though, they are the ones where I taught myself what I needed to know along the way. Building this mobile site really shouldn't be much different than those - build, share, knock down, adjust, rebuild. Not something I haven't done before.


Friday, June 19, 2009

Is this the answer to my stress?

Some internet cruising led me to Winksite, which is a service that creates mobile websites. I've clicked through some of the samples and tried them on my phone, and it looks pretty good so far. What do y'all think?


I Broke My Blog

and now I'm trying to rebuild it. Very, very frustrating.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Campus Events Via the IPhone (or other mobile device)

I spent the entire day in a wonderful, thought-provoking division meeting at work. We got to do ice-breakers and meet with committees. We ate cafeteria pizza and drank high-test. It was great fun. At the end of the day, we were treated to a session run by the student activities director, who taped poster board calendar months at the front of the room and asked us for dates of events we wanted to add for the fall semester. She wrote things in green marker on a large flip chart. It was very productive.

At one point in this session, we were showed a professionally printed version of the entire semester's worth of events on one 22 x 28 poster, which was brightly colored with a border of cute butterflies and flowers. The text was impossible to read - unless of course you stuck your face right up next to it. Discussion of not overlapping dates ensued - as the tiny blocks were so jam packed with information it was impossible to make sense of them. Stay tuned for the fall calendar, we were told. Sigh.

Does anybody even look at these? I've seen them on campus, but really, the only time I look at them is when I throw away the big stack someone inevitably leaves outside my office (for ME to hang up?)

I can't speak for everyone, but I'm pretty much not going to any campus event - even if it involves food - unless I'm reminded pretty soon beforehand. A nudge is nice. Otherwise the computer screen sucks me in.

So I took the opportunity to ask the group (about 40 people) if they would be interested in having a text nudge about the day's campus events. Apparently, they've been tossing that idea around for a while, but no one has done anything about it. They want it. The students in the room said they'd like that more than a website they actually have to go to on their own - but a text with a link, or something mobile, they would use. And so they shall have it.

Now I just have to figure out how the heck to make that happen.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cheaters, Heidegger, and the White Devil

Daniel Sturgis questions whether cheating via the iphone by using digital recordings of course material is actually the beginning of a new method of learning. I think he's on to something important. Some of the points he makes about audio files being an aid in learning to those with auditory learning styles are certainly important, but also not the hot issue teachers have with the technology. Rather, we tend to bemoan the easiness of having information ready to access at all times, which makes it unnecessary to memorize facts. We heard it about the use of calculators in schools, and now we hear it about the use of mobile technology.

Somehow, we feel that "these darn kids" are getting off easy (perhaps destroying society?) because they don't have to memorize the things we did as kids. Is this the old up the hill barefoot to school story? And I don't think that attitude is necessarily helpful, because the fact is technology is here to stay, and it's going to get even more mobile by the time we're in nursing homes and the darn kids are keeping our machines beeping.

Sturgis asks, "The relevant question is whether the student gets anything more from the podcats" than from reading by itself. Great question, great point. It doesn't have to be about not doing the work we did as yougins. It doesn't have to be about jumping through the hoops and suffering through the hurdles we did in college. We know more about learning now. We also have some different objectives. What's important is if it helps the student meet the goal, which is, perhaps, managing the information with a critical eye and reflecting upon the values of the many billion tidbits one can find floating the web. As Sturgis states, "If we continue to emphasize the value of memorizing fafcts, these students will have leess to contibute to the world than those students who hve learned to do something intersting with facts. "

Our worldview has changed, and it has very much been shaped by technology. What it means to be in society is different for our children than it was for us - than it was for our ancestors in the outhouse. Craig Condella questions what the iPod, with its digital files and constant 'outside-of-here-ness' [my words] mean for being, and challenges the critique of mobile devices by applying a Heideggerian lens. (Just when I thought I was done with Heidegger, he creeps up again.) He argues that technology is key. In fact, he states, "The question of being thus amounts to the qustion of how science and technology shape our entire worldview." We cannot escape it, try as we might to find ways to keep it out of the classroom, etc. However, we can ride it and use it to our advantage.

Some skills can be revised for the new worldview. For instance, although the iPod fills our ears with noise, making it difficult to be present in our world because we're in the world of our music, that can be a way to transcend the crowded, stress filled situations that wear us down. Sure, there is a danger that "modern technology becomes the new opiate of the masses," but it doesn't have to be. It's very possible that it can open us up rather than shut us down.

Ut-oh - school called, child sick...more on the white devil later.



Monday, June 8, 2009

If My iPhone Could Go Go Gadget...

I'm asking people I meet (but not on the street), what they want their iPhones to do. They say:

If I had an iPhone then I would like to have it be a universal remote control for home audio AV systems.
In addition, and some of these exist:
An X-Ray camera.
A Configurable task manager (to-do list)
An ISBN (bar-code) scanner
A password generator/archive


Friday, June 5, 2009

Mobile Devices, Applications, & My Future

What have I gotten myself into? Surely I signed up for this class while high on the adrenaline of the May Seminar. Create an iphone app? Sure! No Problem! Little I, blobject that I am, with no composing experience other than my hack job blog and one tiny web design in Composer ten years ago, am going to create an application for a mobile device - preferrably one that works. I couldn't figure out how to stop my screen from face dialing while I was on a call until a year after I had my Treo.

I am apprehensive about the plausability of this project.

Add to that, I have not the faintest idea what would be a doable, useful application. I use my phone to check email, text, tweet, and keep my calendar. Navigation, occaisionally, but it's usually too slow. I like to play the dots game when I'm waiting for appointments. I've seen amazing things for the iphone - the silly flute, the level, name that tune. These things are cool. These things are beyond my capability.

So, I'm whining, yes? Not exactly whining...just...processing.

The way I see it, I don't need another gadget just to have a gadget. It would have to be useful to me, something easy to manipulate, and fill a need that couldn't be more easily filled in another medium.

That said, I do have a few needs, which might produce something half-decent. For one, it would be nice to have a mobile way to access APA/MLA/Chicago styles so I don't have to cart handbooks around. My students would probably like this too. It might be nice to punch in the fields and have a source formatted. An electronic checkbook would be even better. If I could easily input purchases and see a running balance, that would be super cool. For my husband, a vocab word of the day would probably be nice too, since he is ESL - or for me, an Arabic word of the day, since I'm trying to learn it. And finally, a 5 times a day prayer reminder might be nice, if it wouldn't get bogged up by all the tweet messages and texts that bleep every two minutes - especially since I need all the help I can get with this.

The next step is going to be to flesh out what some of these might actually function like and try to decide what's doable and what's not - that is, if the programming book I ordered ever arrives from Amazon. I'm sure I'll come up with something!


Why My New Computer Screen is Flat'n'Square

Upon first reading about this beast called "blobject," I immediately pictured the old computer monitor I swapped out last year when someone who had a flatscreen got fired. Such a space saver, this new monitor! Of course it never occured to me that its design was part of an evolution of the blobject. I just like that I can pick it up and turn it around to show it to students and that I can hang things off its edges. It's much more useful to me.
Now, the concept of the blobject is a bit alluring, I have to admit. I picture little pods of happiness eminating vibes of cushy protectiveness, benevolent body snatchers perhaps. Colorful, mass-produced, reality shielding objects are strangely appealing, if for nothing else their "cuteness." The VW Bug is cute; the tiny squishy frog on my secretary's desk is cute (bulging eyes and all.) That is why two nights ago, I went on an unofficial blobject hunt. A blobject hunt would be fun, I thought.

I thought for sure I would find an abundance of blobby, mass-produced objects with curvy lines - cars, toys, housewares, anything! Of course, the moment of the blobject is supposed to be past, but I live in Reading, Pennsylvania, and we're about 5 years behind the style of everywhere else.

My daughters, five and three, have many blobjects. There is a dance-cam, which records dancing and singing and show it on the TV screen live-time. Very blobby. There are microphones, baby doll bottles with curvy bottoms and handles, and even their crocs shoes. Their little kid laptops are smooth and rounded; they have pod chairs. And there are many, many tiny rounded plastic things in the two drawers where I throw the crap they accumulate over the year from vending machines and dollar stores. Sometimes, especially when I ask them to help clean up, my children themselves are blobjects.

However, once I stepped outside of my house, blobby objects were a little harder to come by, which either means we're still stuck in Art Deco or Art Deco has been revitalized for 2009.

Perhaps technology has reached the innermost recesses of Reading's human existence and has moved on. My Jeep Liberty still has a bubbly quality to it, but she's a bit old now in the model's first iteration. The new ones are much more boxy, as are most of the cars I see on my blobject hunt. Even the gas savers like the Suzuki Crossover, while preserving some rounded edges, are overall pretty angular. The same goes for the computers I looked at, the mp3 players, even the furniture at the mall.
I wonder if the blobject has fulfilled its duty and suffered a slow seeping of gas after the tech bubble finally burst. Have we realized our blobby objects and the "comfort" they provided us don't help as much as we would have liked them to? Have we decided the minimalist blobject works better, upping the function and relegating form to a secondary importance? It's possible, and likely I think, that in a post 9/11 world, we think about necessity more than beauty when it comes to our gadgets. In a world this complex, our stuff doesn't need to be. We like it simple, easy to approach, and portable. Smaller, less flash, more substance. We keep what we value close to home instead of on vaudville for all to bomb.
That, or we're more space conscious. Curvy lines take up more space. Giant blobs of monitors hog desk space. Couldn't it just be that it's cool to be able to make mini things? Flatter things? Things that take up too much space on our crowded earth? Well, whatever the reason, I appreciate my new flat and square computer monitor. I can't say I feel comforted by it, but it's useful nonetheless.


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This App Rocks! (Well, if it existed)

I hate grocery shopping. I hate shopping at Target, and Wal-mart, and the mall too. Mostly, that has to do with shopping with children, who are distracting and impatient, but there is also the problem of forgetting the major thing I went to the store for to begin with. Oh, I write it down. Usually, I lose the list somewhere between the house and the store. Sometimes I put in in my phone as a note, but not usually because it requires too much tiny button pressing.

What would be ideal for me would be a recorder and product nudger. Yes, my killer iphone app would be something I could voice input the items I need to buy, then while shopping, I would be prompted in each aisle what I need to get.

I can picture it clearly, "Danielle, you passed the mayo." Or even better, "There are 100% cotton capris 6 ft to your left." How cool would that be? I would never have to go home without the zuccinni or bathroom cups again.


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